Sunday, February 6, 2011

"Qualified Liar" - Polygraph Results Anthony J. Broussard

Department of Public Safety
April 25, 1977

To: Detective Kenneth Goss

Fr: Lieutenant Leland R. Denison

RE: Anthony J. Broussard, Polygraph Re-Examination
Murder, Acadia Parish Sheriff’s Office

On March 28, 1977, Anthony J. Broussard voluntarily submitted to a Polygraph Re-Examination. Again, Mr. Broussard signed two copies of a form stating he was taking the examination voluntarily. These forms will remain as part of his case folder.

The relevant questions asked Mr. Broussard were as follows:

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

The Rumors.

In the death of Ricky Mire - it's all about the rumors isn't it?

If you remember the case chances are your recollection differs from the official record (or at least you believe it does). But before anyone can truly piece together fact from fiction or rumor from truth - one must know what that official theory of the crime was.

Luckily this is easy enough to achieve – the trial transcripts lay it out. Reading the now 35 year old documents is a surreal step into Ricky’s world, Crowley, Louisiana circa 1975, more specifically – South Crowley.

Many of the names tossed about in the town's rumor mills (as the Crowley Post Signal called them) - can indeed be found within the records but briefly and randomly, a small notation here and there, bits and bits of tantalizing information left dangling…without that most sought after path to closure.

I suppose when people don't have all of the answers – it is normal to guess at them, to take all of the whisper-down-the-lane nuggets and think that in the end the answer must lie somewhere within them.

35 years later and now who is left to confirm the truth? The names sprinkled intriguingly throughout transcripts and police reports – so ominous and foreboding in 1975 - are now mostly planted in the ground around Crowley.

So where is the truth?  I suppose it is still to be determined within each of our minds.

Nolan Edwards